Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
Changes in Organizational Paradigm, Structure, and Design (Anatomy of the World of Business:) by Dr. Jane Goretskaya, Dr. Ma... ISBN: 9781482729900 List Price: $39.99
Leadership Philosophies and Theories in Postmodern World (Anatomy of the World of Business) by Dr. Jane Goretskaya, Dr. Ma... ISBN: 9781482089486 List Price: $36.95
Model for Assessment (Anatomy of the World of Business) (Volume 5) by Dr Jane Goretskaya, Dr Mari... ISBN: 9781492177555 List Price: $35.95
Dance Me: Trilogy by Goretskaya, Jane, Bichinsky... ISBN: 9781515349891 List Price: $24.95
The World of Business Management: Theories, Models, and Best Practices by Goretskaya, Jane, Bichinsky... ISBN: 9781511966474 List Price: $110.00